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Check out BabyPink on Youtube and Patreon!

Thank to my new set up doing collabs is much easier, I'm not saying I'm going to start pouring them out left right and centre but BabyPink was so incredibly kind and understanding towards me. This collab has been delayed since November so 3 cheers for her for being such a great sport! 

This audio is going on her Youtube.

As always there might be mistakes, if there's problems please point them out as when it comes to making the video. I can take em out~



These 2 audios are wholesome.... but reminds me of neko para lmao XD Sound is good as far as i can tell


tbh your server ruined the water sound for me. That bowl of water all I hear is the infamous piss sound effect lmao.


I expected more nyans and purring, they are nekos after all, the dialog is pog tho

Clark lyons

The water did not ruin it for me