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That's right ladies and gentlemen back to the 2 hour preview cause I'm so far behind I didn't even have one video prepared for this month. Classic DTL x See you on Wholesome SOON and yes before you ask. I did in fact voice Mudkip myself~ 



Kronk's Stronk Stonks

I'll be honest, I didn't even realise it was December now. Fuck, I dont even know what damn day it is. Onyhoo, looking forward to Wholecember. You should keep that title btw. Absolute masterpiece of a title.


Awwwwwwww, this is really good! December is going to be a fantastic month! All thanks to you Dtl ❤️

Miky Curi

That cute mudkip voice made the vid


Omg thank you! As a pkmn fan since the early days I always enjoy anything related to it😭🙏🏻 you should consider doing a little pokemon themed series but I don't know how much you've played 🤣