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Disclaimer obvs not fucking real is it, I'm 20 I'm not poppin out kids anytime soon x

This was the OTHER $10 commission idea that got refunded but the gentlemen (Hope you like it btw!) said I could have as much time as I needed with it. I am FREEEEEEEE. The debt has been paid. Sorry for such delayed uploads this month. I thank you humbly for your support and understanding. There is still one more wholesome and 2 more lewd to come out. 

For those who want a bit more details or like to stick your nose in my business (Ana quote).

I am 100% burned out right now. There's no other way to say it or go around it and Wholecember is still being attempted. I never really took a break after Spooktober, you might not see everything but stuff is constant behind the scenes. It just means everything is so incredibly delayed. I'm currently looking around to see if I can hire a full time artist atm but still haven't found someone that is perfect for what I need. Yesterday I recorded 4 audios in one go for Wholecember yes, you read that right. I am going to see if another 4 is possible tonight to bring the record count to 8/31 I may have to switch out some of the themes for simplicity when it comes to creating the video. I know I said I hired editors so why isn't it easier? They (love you my lil editing monkeys!) don't quite edit everything nor are they in the position to (due to the way I create my videos). I still finish off the audio and subtitle and write the scripts and record them so yeah. It's a grind but it's good. I love what I do. I am ever so thankful to even be in this position where I can come out with such ridiculous and ludicrous plots. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love you my doggies - see you in the next update DTL <3 

P.S DTL stop talking about precum in your scripts.

Fuck you it's hot and dicks are FACINATING




Johnny Tightlips

Thank you for working so hard DTL, it means a lot &lt;3 The ear nommies were reaaaaaly good btw.


Love your work, I am happy to see your work when its posted. Though I am happier when creator's are healthy. So if you need to take a break please do.


I wouldn't stress too much about it. I'm sure if you told everyone you had to cut the Wholecember in half(just as an example), no honest fan would complain. Stay happy and stay healthy. ❤

Kronk's Stronk Stonks

Don't underestimate burnout, chief. Trying to force yourself to continue through it can lead to prolonged drawbacks like lack of motivation or enthusiasm, lasting potentially a startlingly long time, regardless of passion towards said subject. Its a bitch and a half. Your tenacity and dedication are unquestionable and much appreciated by all, im sure, but I'm certain we'd all prefer a mentally comfy DTL over a frazzled and stressed one. Not to act like you can't handle it ofc, idk you, but just keep your limits in mind aye? Christmas is a stressful enough time as it is for most folks, so don't go feeling like you NEED to do these audios. Tl;dr: take a damn break if you need/want to, haha. Onyhoo, hopefully-not-too-patronising message done with, amma go find my earphones.


Thank you for everything that you do for us ❤️




We appreciate the grind but dont do yourself in in the process. Love the contant but would rather see u make it and enjoy doing it than feel the need to pump out as much as possible to satisfy everyones demands. But thats just me.


Would pay $40 + for a commission


Bruh, we love how dedicated you are, and the awesome job you do. But we also want you to take care of yourself. Happy thanksgiving, and stay awesome dude.


Idk I felt like when she said “this isnt real” it just made it THAT much more REAL 🤔🤔🤔


Don’t burn yourself out DTL, it’s okay to take a break. Life wouldn’t be life if it didn’t throw stones at you ahaha, during times where things seem at most stressful it’s important to take a step back to look at where you are at and maybe gain some perspective. Though the content is awesome, you’re also human and deserve to take a break or at least slow down. At the end of the day, you don’t know any of us personally and the only thing we contribute is some money and a few raunchy comments. The most important thing is to look out for yourself, and not a bunch of random strangers who simp for your audios (me included lol) though some may not feel the same, the brutal truth is that only you know your limits and only you know what’s best for you, hope everything works out and happy thanksgiving 🦃


Aight i'm sorry about the burnout but how much would I have to pay for a part 2 to this with some succ? $100? $200? I'm ready to pay up.


Why stop talking about precum tho'?


Beautiful, thanks again dtl!


Lmao we were kinda jokingly planning it, she would be prego in the script tho cause I've not done prego plot yet LMAO


There is looking after myself... or there is saying to myself "WE GO AGANE" POG thank you for nice comment ^^


I love it but I feel like I mention it every single script LEL


"Not popping out any kids anytime soon" LOL




Hey DTL, I saw the stream after I got off work and I’m really glad you didn’t do a face reveal lol there are some weird ass people out there dude, stay safe and stay anonymous (as much as you can on these platforms anyways) stream was dope, watch the new mandalorian episode 10/10 god tier episode, and goodnight 👌👌👌


Thank you very much!~ Yeah no show face for safety, we poggers out here peepohappy


The beginning sounds the like the FBI just broke down your door in the middle of recording.


wow that was hot


Talk about precum all you want, I say. 🙌


What cj gets out of that whole thing mama dude that’s is 20 HMMMMMM I turn 20 next Thursday’s so that kinda funny