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This is a quick and simple one, ear to ear saying your names and layers SFX on top that I have made. Some skin, ear rubbing, blowing ect. I apologize if it's a little under whelming. I am very knee deep in Spooktober as you can imagine and I'm leaving my deadline a little short, oh dear! (;´Д`)

If you are active in the discord, you might have seen me discussing livestreaming (potentially) the next patreon appreciation audio. This time however it will be a private stream which you can watch the rerun on an unlisted video on Youtube if you miss it. I would like to test it out as it would help keep me low stress during October as I'm going to want to explode probably... as I'm already feeling the pressure. My plan is to write out all your names and draw a little image next to you that I think of when I read your name. It will be longer than usual but it's different and could bring a new dynamic to the table for interacting and thank you all individually for your support! 

As always, if you think I missed your name and you were in the Gamer Girl Sweat Tier for the month of AUGUST, shoot me a DM!~ Friendly reminded if you connect your Patreon account to your Discord on the desktop then you will be succed into a super secret discord . Until the next update friends, boop! (*´д`*)



Matthew (SexualHealing)

She actually did it lads! within the time limit, what a queen.


The ass sweat between my cheeks right now is ASS TRO NO MI CAL


the tapping sounds kinda rubbery HMMMMM

Anya Twerk

Lucky people who got to hear their name 🔥


Every time I hear my nickname I get shivers down my spine ... Thank you for this piece of heaven... <3 (and i am just behind Varyana :3)


I liked the part where she said Michael


I wasn't in the last one, so hearing my name for the first time was sexy as hell


Remember to drink lots of coke! And don't overwork yourself :)


i was in this one and i think i prefer it being said that way now lol


DTL"I can do this awsome thing for my patreons who help support me" DTL almost 1k patreons later *Confused screaming*


I wasn't in it, but that's fair since I think it was only like 3 days of August. If you want help with pronouncing mine just hit me on the discord


Oh la la I wonder how susceptible you are to ASMR IRL then...


Yeah you missed it by 3 days but you will be in next months one :D


Kept at it like a champ! That's gotta get rough by the end, though. I liked the layered sounds, it worked really well!

Rajarshi Bandopadhyay

Wait. The picture here is Bruh being patted by a wereknot.