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Hi everyone!

This week I've got some progress on the Camp to show off. Let's get into it!

1: What's New?

This week was split into two different pieces of work. The first half is hard to show but it was more or less more coding on the dungeon gameplay end to make the new currencies feel better to collect in the dungeon.

And the second half of the week was spent creating and adding more temp assets to the camp and then putting them together. I've added some things like the border of the level, floor tiles and light sources.

I've made a small start on the lighting pass, but it is currently a bit too dark and needs more work.

But overall the camp environment continues to develop into its own fun space!

And here's a video shot of the WIP background. 

2: What's Next?

Next up will be more camp environmental work and perhaps working on the camp upgrade UI screen. Where building materials gathered can be exchanged for improving the camp.

Next build release?

Everyone has been patient waiting for me to release a new build. I'm aiming and trying to get one out before the end of March. It's been hard to release a new build sooner because of the scope of the changes and needing all the pieces to be working before we can get a build out.

But I'll be working hard to try and get it out before the month ends!

- Caroo



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