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Hi everyone,

Apologies for the short delay in posting the weekly roundup this week. I just ran out of time on my Friday due to needing to be up more early then normal on my Saturday.

But let's get into this weeks progress!

1: What's New?

So this week ended being a focus on implementing the UI change to the dungeon UI to accommodate the new currencies and pickups.

Once more the art is currently temporary but we now have the currencies of Treasure, Materials, and Essence in the Dungeon UI. located at the bottom right of the screen.

We also have the health potions and keys displays.

In addition to doing the UI for these I also went through and created the means for enemies to drop these new currencies. And Created the UI pop-ups for them.

And finally, I made sure these resources are being counted corrected in the floor cleared UI.

I will say from a gameplay perspective with the removal of dropped health packs the game feels much more tense now. You collect more rewards and the risks have grown!

The intent this week was to get started on Item Shop UI in the camp. But it's been deferred to next week as I got stuck in this dungeon-level UI work.

2: What's Next?

Work on the Camp Feature continues! Next week is getting back to the Shop UI for purchasing health packs and Keys!



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