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Hi everyone! Hope you've all had a great week so far.

Lots to show off this week so let's get into it!

1: What's New?

I did three different things this week!

1: Advertising:

Monday was spent updating all my marketing ad banners. This was well due as they hadn't been updated in over 12 months. Honestly I should try my best to update these every 6 if I can manage it!

It's fun to get the past 12 months of content up on there now!

2: Updated Bug Fix Build:

I also updated the Build for the Bindmancer but nothing noteworthy enough for making its own post. I mainly fixed a few bugs that has surfaced. So there is a new build out there that was updated on Tuesday.

I wanted to leave it in as stable and strong position as possible as I get started on the next animation pack.

3: Start on the Next Animation Pack

The rest of the week was spent working on development for the next Animation Pack!

I've picked FNAF's Roxy for this one but like many artists I'll be taking the character in a different direction. So borrowing the character design but making it a different character.

The idea for this setting is that it's a Cyberpunk-esqe world of Cyborgs and Roxy is a Sentient Wolf Anthro with a lot of modifications. She's come in to get a complete refurbishment after a scuffle.

So it'll be a consensual sci-fi BDSM Scenario.

You get to play as Roxy's "decision making process" as she chooses what kinds of Feet, Hands, Breasts, and Genitals she wants. (As an excuse to also give the player some chance to customize her.

And then "Diagnostic Tests" can be run.

The player can choose which diagnostics they want to run such as focusing on her feet, breasts, and genitals.

They'll be some male gender options for peeps who want that to!

This is once again be pushing the boundaries of a content packs complexity as this will have multiple sequences and a mild degree of body customization. 

Comically as well, if you want to skip all the kinky diagnostics altogether and have a very short animation set experience. You can! XD

2: What's Next?

Next week (And probably the week after to!) Will be 100% spent in photoshop working on the art assets for this Roxy Animation Pack! So lots and lots of Photoshop grinding!

What do you think of the new Animation Pack Concept? :)




One minor bug I spotted is that the button / pad after crossing the 2+1 floor trap does not deactivate the trap. Good job on the boss fight, an good hint is do not get surrounded as they will stun lock you, far better to move into fire as you only take one hit. But the slimes is a bit hard to see inside the fire.