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Update: I'm aware of the prisoner freeing bug for the cultist exchange one. I'll be looking into and releasing a fix in a few days!

Hi everyone!

This week I bring you a new update to the playable game build!

You can download it from over on this post!

Let's into this weeks progress!

1: What's New?

So this week was spent finishing up the animated game over for the Paladin Boss Battle and I'm pleased to say it's delivered on time!

The preview here isn't showing the full animation, you can battle and lose to the Boss to experience it in full for yourself. ;D

  • There is now a special "Game Over" animation if you fail the 1st Boss Battle
  • This animation can be viewed in the gallery feature once the Boss has been defeated.

Bug fixes:

  • Corrected one of the lore entries in level 5.
  • Fixed the capture skill in that you can now capture more cultists once you've leveled up in the same level that you upgraded the skill.
  • Fixed some animation bugs associated with the boss battle.

I hope you all enjoy this custom made Game Over!

Also; Boss Battle Music:

The music tracks for the boss battle have also been finalized and I think they sound pretty amazing. Give them a listen for yourself! :D

2: What's Next?

Next week is going to be a combo of working on some marketing and bizdev items and then working on some bug fixing for the game.

Due to some changes made by Patreon in September that resulted in some people getting unsubscribed I took a minor hit to my income and I need to spend a few days working on some assets to really help compensate for it.

The next thing I want to do in the Bindmancer is integrate the villainess a little more into the experience. Add some more fun personality to the game while you play it!




the boss is very difficult, i can get to about the 3rd phase then the 4 slimes trap me in a box and it’s game over since the boss can 2 shot me


i finally beat it after like 30 minutes, my suggestion is to either remove/reduce the amount of enemies on stage or reduce the amount of damage the tentacles do

Pup Cyrus

Hoping to see some latex or rubber soon