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Hi everyone!

It's another short weekly roundup this week but I can show off a little bit of the progress done in unity for the boss battle. So lets get into it!

1: What's New?

So this week was spent doing two important things.

The first has nothing to do with game dev; I did my taxes, the first time done in 10 years in Australia since I returned to my country of origin last year. Australia's financial year starts and ends in the middle of the calendar year so I took the time this week to work out how to submit my own taxes.

Overall not relevant to content here, it did sink some time this week. Thankfully that's all sorted now.

The other thing done this week was time spent continuing to work on the logic and attack patterns for the Boss Battle. Here's an example of alternating attack patterns.

The idea is that the boss will be 3-stages and each stage requires successfully hitting the bosses weakpoint 3 times. So 9 hits in total I think works.

The state-machine logic is almost done but here's an idea of the complexity of the state machine needed to trigger all the relevant objects and things.

There's a lot going on and it's a bit of a head Melter to work it out. But we've gotten there.

2: What's Next?

There's a little bit more of boss logic to do, and then I'll be turning my attention to starting on refined art assets. All the assets currently on are placeholder obviously.

I also need to get into contact with my music guy to see if he wants to work on new tracks. 


- Caroo




Looks great so far. Do you plan to do special Boss theme "Game Over" screens?