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Hi everyone!

Hope you've all been having a great week.

This weeks update is a little on the mundane side but some key requested features got in. And I've also updated the available build that includes these changes! 

1: What's New

The new feature added this week was a much requested resolution support that allows you to readjust the game from it's current full-screen mode to an adjustable windowed mode.

Please keep in mind that for optimal play the game screen should be kept to around 16:9 to 16:10 aspect ratios. The UI can accommodate a little bit of divergence but trying to play it like it's on a mobile phone screen isn't intended and will break the UI layout.

In addition to the resolution support I also put in volume sliders. Right now there's only music present in the game and the other sliders are there for future proofing. But you can now adjust the volume in-game to your preference!

I've also gotten in a change to the player movement control which makes the interaction logic match up with the stamina pool. Now if the player doesn't have enough stamina they wont be able to make an action. As was intended.

No more attack spamming. XD

The stunned effect now also blocks the ability to interact. You can still move in order to get away from what's stunning you, but this will stop attacking exploits.

Finally, a number of bug fixes where done this week as well, mostly around the logic of exiting the level and freeing prisoners. 

Camera zoom ins should be more consistent now and you can't move away from a defeated enemy until you've decided to either punish or redeem them.

2: What's Next

I think the next thing I want to tackle is redoing the chests both visually and gameplay wise. There's a lot that can be done there to make them more interesting to interact with and to make the loot that comes out of them more rewarding.

I also want to get the demo for The Bindmancer and Ticklish Tessa up on Itch.IO. Which may take a few days.

I'm gonna dedicate a 2 week block for all that!

I hope the new resolution options helps those who had issues playing the game in full screen!





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