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Hi Everyone!

We got a lot to show off this week! Including an updated playable build that's available for those subscribed at $10 or more.

You can access it here. 

Let's get into it!

1: What's New

Game Over!

The big feature made over the past two weeks was getting in a proper "Game Over" state. 

It fully works now and if the player character runs out Willpower the screen will fade to black and a "Game Over" screen will appear.

In total there are 6 different fates that can befall the Bindmancer if she loses the Will to resist. Some are bondage focused, some are pleasure focused and some are tickling focused.

In addition the tentacle trap has it's own custom fate:

5 of them spawn randomly. The tentacle one is exclusive to the tentacle trap.

The real question is. Can you find them all? :D

Updated Stamina and Willpower Systems (In Progress)

It's a work in progress, but a gameplay change I've made is change the way Stamina works. Previously it was a resource that drained and needed to be replenished. Now it's a recharging resource.

This is being done so game mechanics are based around using it strategically and not over-spamming it. There's still some work to do and it's not bug free but I think it's much better then before.

It's a work in progress because there's no current penalty for the player using stamina when it's drained. That'll be coming soon!

Also the Willpower and Stamina Bar UIs are much more clear to see now and Willpower will flash when near drained.

Easier Tentacle Trap Puzzle

I got some feedback that the tentacle trap puzzle was a bit janky and hard to understand. So I've simplified the interaction and done some work to make it a little less janky. 

Now instead of having to hit a direction and then spacebar. Hitting the right direction is enough to count as progress to Banishing the tentacles.

2: What's Next

Next up is some work I wanna do with the main player character in the dungeon and the way they interact with the environment. They currently don't have a proper attack animation and that needs to be addressed. 

It would be good to get a pain-state for the sprite so the player can't take multiple damage hits at once.

Let me know what you think of the new build! :D

- Caroo




Hmmm, I think I managed to get all of them. As the game progresses, instead of them being random, I could imagine different color enemies giving specific game overs... like they have their own prefered gear they like to lock you in~

Inea Faedyn

I love seeing these updates, I can't wait to play!

Thibaut Tisserant

Would enemies also have frame invulnerability upon hitting them, or does the rythm part prevents this mechanic ?

Jordan Bush

i like that idea, each enemy/trap has a visual marker to distinguish whether losing to it'll will bad end you and just give you a debuff