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Hi Everyone!

This week I got a little bit of artwork to show off so lets get into it!

1: What's New:

So this week I got started on doing the artwork for a feature that's been requested a bit since the demo released, which is a proper "Game Over" screen.

So this screen will occur when the player character has run out of Willpower in the dungeon. It will run on a looped animation and from there the player can choose what do to next.


Of course it would be boring if it was just the same thing happening every-time. So what I'm doing is creating multiple pieces of bondage, devices, expressions, and other details that can make for different animated game overs.

Some involve defiant bondage, in some she's overstimulated by pleasure, in others she's tickle tortured.

By making multiple assets and therefore making multiple different Game Overs it will add some variety to the situation. 

This sort of "Swap out the pieces" setup is a good compromise as well in not needing to create a custom game-over image for every type of encounter or situation. Which would have me spend months making game-over art in the long run which isn't desirable. There's other things needing to be worked on. Hahah.

As an aside, making Unity-Engine friendly animated artwork is actually a lot more time intensive then just making flat static images. You do a lot of additional work in making such each "Layer" is self contained, clean, and compatible with the other layers. In a way you're making more of a puppet then anything else. 

2: What's Next:

Next week will be taking his multi-asset Game Over art file and getting it into Unity, rigging it to animation bones and then creating some custom Game Overs in-game.

Then of course typing this to when the player hits zero willpower. 

What do you think? :D

- Caroo



Josh Polson

Looks great Roo-Roo Best of luck for a smooth implementation ^ - ^

ayy lmao

Looks awesome! Though, I was hoping we could get some environmental game overs. An example being like if she freed one of the prisoners but then gets defeated near the machine that is now empty~ Screen fades back in as she's waking up only to find that she's locked in now and that's when it turns on. Que the player character then looping the same animation the prisoners' do forever~ Stuff like that is always fun but I totally get how that's an insane amount of work. These game over CG's are great as it is~


I particularly like the bottom-right one's expression


Amazing work she look so amazing and well done. I really loved this game over screen well done. Loved the colour. Keep up the amazing work I give this game over a 20 out of 10 top score and in the hot zone.


Incredible work caroo!

Bob Hoskins

I also appreciate the upper right one; just captured, tied up, defeated, and hopeless with tears. The classic “all is lost” ending