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Hi Everyone!

And welcome to this months new Patrons! I hope you've been enjoying the content on offer and have joined the discord!

Let's get into this weeks progress!

1: What's New:

This week was focused on making the logic and some temp art for entering and exiting the dungeon floor.

I wanted to make the art for entering and exiting the dungeon to be unique so I've created somewhat of a "Light" and "Dark" motif for the portals.

For the Intro we have a pair of wings opening up to bring the heroine in with warm and gold colors.

For the exit portal it's colored more darkly and motif'd to the enemies colors.

The exit portal also communicates in it's design how many prisoners need to be rescued to activate it and leave the dungeon floor by displaying locks around its edge. They're locked when prisoners are locked and unlocked when they're freed.

Anywhere between 1 to 8 prisoners will be on each dungeon floor to free.

The art is temp as I'm seeking to get another artist to work on the environmental art of the dungeon (Who's honestly better then me at environmental rendering.) but it gets the point across for the moment.

The Intro and exit functionality is all there. Which you can watch via this gameplay video! 

There's still some extra stuff I wanna do with these. Like having the heroine strike a pose upon entering and exiting the dungeon floor, but for now that's more of a polish-state task.

2: What's Next

The next task that I'll be working on starting next week is the floor trap and making a "Peril" state for the player character that has to escape out of.

I hope you like what you see and give the gameplay video a watch!


- Caroo




If I could suggest making the prisoner indicators be more symmetrical...my OCD voice is especially interested. Otherwise, it's awesome.


tHIS LOOKS AMAZING CAROO! Incredible job! it looks so complicated and interesting! this is the game of the year already!