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Hi everyone! :D

It's been a busy time over here at the Caroo game-development ranch. During the month of May a lot of new polish and features went into the development of the Dungeon RPG. 

All of which is currently playable for Patrons who are subbed at $10 or more in a new tech demo build!

This game is currently playable on PC's with Windows. You can access it here once subscribed!

Watch the Tech Demo Video:

You can watch a video of the current playable build in action here. 

May's Progress Gallery:

Here's what was worked on in May in gallery form:

Rhythm Mechanics:

The player can now move and attack to the beat of the music! This plays into many interactions such as movement, attacking and freeing prisoners.

For those concerned about difficulty and it being as hard as a game like Crypt of the Necrodancer: The current build is quite forgiving and by-design the game prioritizes fun over frustration. :)

Avatar Emotive States:

The player characters Avatar reacts to attacking, defending, and becoming weakened. 

All these emotive states are animated as well!

Enemy Capture and Deciding their fate.

You can now magically attack enemy cultists and defeat them. Once defeated the player can choose to either redeem and forgive them or punish them for their wicked ways.

Loot Canisters

Freeing prisoners now gives access to loot canisters. These can replenish Stamina and Willpower to the player!

And lots of smaller quality of life tweaks like art for UI assets and changing color of enemies. 

What's coming in June due to your support?

I think we're now much closer to completing the aspiration of creating a Gameplay Demo Vertical Slice of a single dungeon floor!

There's a few more key features to get in such as traps, dungeon entrances and exits as well. But it's coming together!

New playable builds at least once per month!

New builds of what I've worked on will be released at least once a month near the end of each month. With the desire to try and release builds more often then that.

Thank you all! <3

- Caroo



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