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Hi Everyone!

It's been a pretty productive week and I've got some really fun stuff to show off!

First a mention that the next playable build is due for May 28th. (Next Friday) So I hope you're all looking forward to that!

Lets get into it!

1: What's New

So there's a lot to cover this week! I can say off the bat that all the development progress is viewable via this video:

Gameplay Video Here! 

To summarize what's new from last week:

For the Player Character:

  • The player state portraits are now "bone animated" and move more fluidly. Check it out in the video!
  • The player can attack and whittle down the Enemy Cultists Health Bar.
  • I scripted up a "Charge" mechanic to attacking that makes the player attack more powerful. It's charged by moving to the beat.
  • The camera now zooms in to better show "The Goods" when an enemy is defeated or when a Prisoner is being released.

For the Enemy Cultist:

  • The enemy cultist has a hitbar that appears when near them and stays on screen once damaged until it's removed completely.
  • The cultist now has an animated "Defeated" State.
  • Once defeated the cultist can either be Redeemed or Punished.
  • For this week I'm showing off the punished animation. Redeemed still to come.
  • I made a "transition" vfx animation but I'm not a fan of how it turned out, I'll be changing it.


Here's showing off what happens when the final bit of health is removed from the cultist and they transition to the captive state.

And here's the transition if the player chooses the "Punish" option of what to do with the cultist. Again I'll be redoing the transition effect. It's currently too quick and too ugly.

And here's some fun animated zoom in's of the cultist captured.

And the Cultist Punished.

So overall. A lot of fun progress and the game continues to evolve it's mechanics and dare I say. Become more of a "Game" by the week.

2: What's Next

I'll be working next week on polishing what's here and adding as much additional interaction as I can for the upcoming playable demo on May 28th.

So much to do!

I hope you like what you're seeing! :D As always love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the progress!


- Caroo




I like the transition effect. It could use some spice, but it wouldn't go noticed in a playable build right now.