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Hi Everyone!

Got some steady game development progress to show off this week so let's get right into it!

1: What's New

The main focus of this week was getting into the games logic and coding and getting the Rhythm System working.

It took some time and bug fixing it get it working. But you can check out this video to see  what's working. What I can demonstrate at the moment is the "Locked" UI for the chest and prisoner denying progress if the action is made off beat.

I can now design encounters that detect and react to whenever the player moves or acts "On Beat" or "Off Beat"

From a game design standpoint I plan to craft the experience so you get rewarded by acting within the beat. But not punished harshly for going off beat.

It'll take some iteration to find the fun with this system. But the backbone is now in to work on that!

More Emotion:

Another aspect I'm working on is emotion states for the avatar that'll communicate and give flair to the actions the player is doing:

What states I'm working on emotively is:

  • Defending
  • Attacking / Lockpicking
  • Low Willpower (Health)

2: What's Next:

More dev work! All this month I'll be putting in the hours to bring you all another playable build that expands upon all you've seen so far in the tech demo.

As always would love your feedback on what you're seeing!


- Caroo




Low Willpower: 👉👈