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DOWNLOAD HERE - Or download from the Attachments in this post.

Hi Everyone! :D

As promised for the end of April Here's the first playable Tech Demo for the Dungeon RPG game. :)

I do stress that while it's a ton of work on display, there's still much to do to add gameplay to the experience and not everything is interactive right now. 

But I hope you enjoy what's there!

What you can do so far:

- Move Around

- Open Chests and collect treasure.

- Free Prisoners

- Get damaged by Enemies and Traps

There's a good deal not implemented yet that's coming in the next few months that includes:

- Rhythm Gameplay

- Attacking Enemies

- Emotive States for both the character sprite and UI

- More gameplay logic

- Fail states for running out of Willpower

- Entering and exiting levels.

Feedback is welcome! 

DOWNLOAD HERE - Or download from the Attachments in this post.

Requirements & How to Install:

  • Playable on a PC using a Windows OS.
  • The game will boot up full screen and set to your monitors native resolution.

To Install It:

  • Download the zip file
  • You MUST unzip all the contents of the zipfile to any folder. The game cannot run from inside the zipped file.
  • Windows can unzip it by itself. You don't need to download any third party software like WINRAR.
  • You can run the demo by entering the unzipped folder and double clicking on the file named: Kinky Dungeon Project

Common Install Issues:

  • If you don't unzip the contents of the folder, you can't play the game.
  • If the game opens and then closes without a screen showing, that's typically a graphic driver issue, update your graphics cards drivers and restart your pc.
  • Unity games don't like being placed in folders deeply nested in multiple folders. This is due to long file directory names messing with Unity. 3-5 folders deep is fine. More and it gets wonky.
