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Hi Everyone! :D

This week got focused into making some gameplay progress for the upcoming April 29th Patron Build. I've been working hard to create as much gameplay functionality as I can.

To set expectations though:  What I'm delivering can't be considered a start-to-end game-loop. It'll have playable elements and as the character you'll be able to move around. But interactions will be incomplete in in their implementation.

1: What's New


You can watch a short video showing off the progress made this week here! 

The highlights of development progress this week include:

Getting the chests to unlock and collect treasure with new UI elements that communicate this. As well as connecting the treasure display to the treasure amount collected.

The cultist enemy type (while stationary for the moment being) has a telegraphed attack animation. And if the player steps into the highlighted zones they will lose stamina and willpower. I still need to make the visual states for the player character though.

The prisoner calls out to the player with a "Save me!" If ungagged and a "Mmff!" If they're gagged. Just to make it clear what you're supposed to save them. XD

Some other development progress was made, such as writing up some design documentation for custom gameplay code I'm getting made but it might be a few weeks once that gets into the game.

2: What's Next

A playable demo for Windows PCs on the 29th of April. 

Once again I stress it'll be a humble demo but it'll continue to grow into something great! :D


- Caroo



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