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Hi everyone! :D

I got some new gifs and videos to show of the progress made this week so lets get into it!

1: What's New

This week focused in on creating a UI for the dungeon. This included designing, creating the art and then getting it into Unity.

The results of which look like this:

In terms of what the UI displays:

  • Players stamina and willpower amounts.
  • An animated avatar of the character showing their current status. (Like in Doom)
  • How much resources collected.
  • The floor and wing of the dungeon.
  • How many prisoners on the floor and how many have been saved.
  • An exit application button. (Which later will be an options menu button.)

The avatar was fun to make. Right now it just has an idle state but the idea is to tie the state of the avatar to different conditions. So to show an attack and defend state and when the player is low on Willpower.

Some time was spent this week doing some other bits and pieces for game functionality. All the animations are now timed to a "Beat counter" so they don't get out of sync with each other.

I also rejigged the timing of the animations so everyone's "Up" animation is consistently happening at the same time.

You can check out a video of the game in action here. Featuring the UI in action.

2: What's Next

What's next is putting in the work in Unity to tie the elements currently present to create a gameplay experience.

A lot of art to make that happen still needs to be made but now it's more so done on an "as it's needed" basis as I work on making gameplay for opening chests, freeing prisoners, and encountering enemies.

End of April Playable Build Delivery Date: 29th

While I can't promise that the playable build will be full of what I consider to be full gameplay I do want to release something 

So I'll be working to release a playable build of what I've developed so far on the 29th. I hope you'll enjoy it!


- Caroo




If all I get to do is stroll around with a totally boppin' bunny heroine, I'll still be happy.


This actually reminds me of Dance of the Necrodancer.... is that intentional?


It is intentional. I wont be copying the gameplay completely but I thought making an erotic game to the beat of music would be a lot of fun to create. :)


Oh my hecking gosh, the music for it and the way that all the tickles and the characters are all in unison with the music just adds nothing but charm, Caroo, you have officially paved yourself to literal legend status! well done! im so glad to be able to whiteness this incredible journey you are embarking on!


This looks great!