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Hi everyone. :D

It's been a productive week and I've got some fun gifs and videos to show for progress made this week!

1: What's New

First off. I suggest you take a look (and listen) to this progress video I made: https://www.kangaroovideogames.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Progress-Vid.mp4 

It shows off the current art assets and animation work done for the game! 

And how it all bops to the beat!

To break down the progress of this week. I first was able to get in and animate the UP and DOWN states for the main player character. Which changes depending on what direction the player is moving in:

But the big ticket item I worked on for most of this week was the artwork, importing, and animation work for the "Wall Mounted Prisoner" Assets.

I've gotten in the idle animations for now and what I can demonstrate so far is that different prisoners will have different intensities of captivity.

For this wall mounted bondage there's three levels:

I'm thinking from a gameplay standpoint each intensity will be harder to get the prisoner out of.

For right now I have 1 prisoner appearance. But the art assets are segmented so I could very well get a few alternative prisoner appearances in there for the first playable.

2: What's Next

My aim for next week is to start creating some UI to show key stats and the beat of the music.

Once the UI is in I should be able to start creating some more concrete gameplay logic to connect these art assets together. 

I hope you enjoy the look of the new prisoner assets!


- Caroo




We patiently await the day of first build!


kinda hope this is a if you get caught you get a cutscene or take damage and lose clothes type of set up :P but understand why if not


This almost makes me want to not free the captives. Great work!


Amazing work here the animation look amazing and the Prisoner look amazing and well done. I like to see more enemies types and Prisoner types down the line. Keep it up you doing amazing job.


Beautiful work on animating the characters! The hero looks sexy and determined, the cultist looks menacing and alluring, and the prisoner is cute and adorably helpless! As a major foot tickling fan, I'd like to advocate for prisoners that are getting their adorable tootsies tickled, as well as this fine upper body specimen. I'm also deeply interested in game over tickling scenes for the heroine if defeated or captured, as well as punishment scenes for the cultists, possibly occurring back in town. Perhaps redemption/tickling arcs? Excellent work and looking forward to what comes next!