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Hi everyone. :D

Yesterday I posted up the BDSM Bunny Cop Set and it looks like already that a lot of you enjoyed it! https://www.patreon.com/posts/48012975 

For this weekly roundup we're taking a look back at the past year because this Patreon is now 1 year old!

First: A big thank you.

I do want to give a massive thank you to everyone for their support over the past year. Both in your financial support as well as your feedback, comments and participation in the Discord chat.

Your support has made this endeavor to create games and animated content rewarding and sustainable!

What got done over the year?

Ticklish Tessa

First off we have our first game developed called Ticklish Tessa. While it's not yet out on Steam or Itch.io, the version currently playable is feature complete!

Prototyping for game 2

Some great prototyping has been done so far to figure out the next game project! While I've been working on animation sets it's given me time to ponder how to really find a fun experience for this next game!

3 Unique Animation Sets

I've also had a blast making animation sets! These put the skills I've learned throughout the year to make fun, animated art sets for you all. :D

What's coming up in March?

I'll run over this again in the public post I'll make on the 1st of March but to sum it up:

For the first week I'll be spending some time doing some needed behind the scenes business stuff. (ie: Taxes) So there wont be much to show off for roundup 53. 

But for the rest of March I'm looking to get focused in on prototyping the 2nd project. I'd like to go back to the dungeon exploration gameplay and tighten it up. Make it really fun to explore the dungeon.


- Caroo




No, Thank YOU Caroo for the amazing year of content! Can't wait to see what else you've got in store!


It is worth it Caroo,big thanks to you
