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Hi Everyone. :D

This week I've got some fun progress to share in how the Bunny Cop Animation set is coming along! Let's get into it!

1: What's New

For this week I finalized and "Crushed Down" the layers of the photoshop file that contained all the artwork that make up our lovely bunny cop and then imported it into Unity.

Then in Unity every layer needs to be assigned one or more "Bones" so that they can be moved organically in animations.

Once all bones are assigned that process ends up looking like this:

From there on (Apart from revisions and tweaks to the model now and then) it's a process of spending time to animate the character! I was able to get started on animating on Tuesday.

By the time of the weekly roundup I've animated out 9 of the 15 total animations that's going to make up this Judy Hopps Animation Set. Each one of these is a 5 second repeating loop.

And I'm quite proud of the results thus far! Every animation is still a work in progress but with that said: Let's take a look at a handful of them!

And my personal favorite thus far:

Good Bunny! She's taking it like a sport!

2: What's Next?

Next up is more animating the other 6 parts to the set, adding in polish, and then hooking up the logic to make this animation set a 60FPS interactive scene that can be played in Unity. 

I think we're well on track to getting this Bunny Cop Animation set done before the end of the month. 

The scope of the set has expanded a little, mostly in me just trying to expand my animation chops and adding more expressions and the like to really give our bun more life. :D

I hope you like what you see so far!


- Caroo




She looks so great and amazing here can’t wait to see them all. I give that score when they are all finished. Keep it up you are doing amazing.


Gods, I’m loving this project, it’s so damn inventive and expressive, I can’t wait to see it all in full~!😍😍😍