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Hi Everyone!

What a week! I was able to get a lot of new additions and pieces of polish into the game.

A new playable build is available to download and play for Patrons at the $10 tier or higher. :)

1: This Weeks Progress

Title Screen & Saving / Loading the Game

Ticklish Tessa now has a title screen! (Albeit a bit utilitarian right now)

This screen allows you to pick Tessa's appearance before the game starts. Allowing for an unbroken experience for those who want to play with a Male-looking Tessa all the way through.

This screen also allows you to continue previously saved games or start a new one. Ticklish Tessa now saves its data to a binary file. Meaning you can exit the game and it'll keep progress when you come back.

Endless Mode Settings

Did you want Endless to be truly endless? To be merciless in your teasing of Tessa?

Well now you can! 

When you reach endless mode you'll be able to change two key settings:

Over-stimulation: You can turn this off, meaning there's no recovery penalty to using the tools.

Arousal: You can set Tessa's arousal to Infinite. Meaning she'll never reach a limit.

Correct Gender Settings Appears in Narrative Intermissions

I took the time to make the art assets for Male Tessa's head and Torso. Now the game will respect what head and torso gender selection you make and present it in the Narrative intermissions.

Recurring Laughter

It came off a little bit odd that when you tickled Tessa at the highest intensity that no more dialogue would spawn making her laughter look a bit silent.

There's now a system in place that keeps spawning dialogue as you continue to tickle her at the highest settings. (Or any setting for the tickling pick.)

UI Polish and Bug Fixes

There was a few bugs hanging around (Like costume selection issues) and some UI I wanted to clean up. The button animations in the narrative screen flow much better now.

So overall we got a lot done!

2: What's Next: Shoe Removal & Gameplay Polish

Next week there's a little bit of a flourish I'll be adding which is the player being able to remove Tessa's shoes at the start of sessions.

There's also the matter of also needing to make shoes for the male appearance. 

Otherwise it's all about polish!

I'm at a Crossroads with Ticklish Tessa. There's two paths I can take with the game now. I can either attempt to add additional characters to the game and make it much more substantial. Or I can wrap up what we have now and move onto a new game dev project with the lessons learned. 

I'd like to entertain the idea of trying to add another character, but the game started out as an art training demo and wasn't made for it, so I don't know how tricky making it happen will be unless I try.

Something I'll continue to ponder over. :) 

Either way you awesome Patrons continue to get my full time attention!


- Caroo



Lord Drakard

Ya know adding a licking or tongue tool option would please a lot of fans! Including me, *cough* >.>

Renchi Space Bunny

Adding additional characters in the game might sound fun, having different personalities and all. But really, up to you! The game is already awesome, and you have done a terrific job! Can't wait for the next update. Keep at it dude!


GAME is pretty good right now and what you do with it pretty sure fans will be fine. Also added notes when she or he is gagged is the audio gonna change and also a pantyhose option would please some fans of your work. Just ideas and concepts


Love the work so far, and loving the added features and polish that are coming up. Tessa really needs to get her cute little toes sucked though, and something for her nips as well. Just a thought.