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Hi Everyone. :)

This week delivers a new tickling tool, a fixed up endless mode, and a new playable build! Lets get into the details!

In total the game now has 6 different ways to interact with Tessa! I don't think there's a game out there with so many different ways to tickle. :D

1: Gameplay Video

This weeks 2 minute long gameplay video which showcases the Makeup Brush, Vibrators, and Endless Mode can be watched here. 

2: This Weeks Progress

The Makeup Brush

This new tickling tool appears in Session 2. It's a light, tactile brush that the player uses by brushing it along Tessa's soles. (And somewhere else when she's naked. ;) )


And this new-to-the-build tickling tool appears in Session 5. An intense stimulation tool that the player has a lot of control over. The time and intensity of the vibrators can be set and then turned on by tapping on them!

Endless Mode

Also known as "Session +" This mode allows for repeating the final session with Tessa again and again with all tools and gear unlocked and ready to use.

3: What's Next: Polishing UIs and Interactions

We're definitely nearing the end-half of development for Tessa. To list the key features I want to get in to call this game development complete:

  •  LOTS of UI and Player Interaction polish. 
  • Audio - Music, Button SFX and Possibly some Emotive Sounds for Tessa.
  • Putting in a short conversation intermission between the sessions with Tessa.
  • Title Screen - Saving - Some minor resolution options.

In reality it's going to take a month to cover that work, but we will get the point where development on Ticklish Tessa slows down and development on a new game starts up!

4: Crediting and Privacy

I held a survey here on Patreon on the Subject of being credited automatically.

And while I was relieved that the majority of patrons are happy to be credited. There is a significant percentage of people who would prefer to remain anonymous, which I understand and respect.

So moving forward:

  • Those currently credited will stay there. (But you can ask at any time to have your name removed if you wish.)
  • I'll be asking new patrons if they want to be credited before they go up in the credits.
  • I've also added this request to the welcome message when people join the Patreon. :)

Thank you all for your feedback!

5: How am I doing?

I ask this every once in a while because I want to provide a service you're all delighted to be a part of. This is Patreon meeting your expectations?

If there's something I can do better please let me know. :)


- Caroo.



Josh Polson

This update looks super fun. Can’t wait to try it out You’re doing great Caroo, I’m glad I’m a patron here.


Fantastic work. I know you planned to cap the interactive tools at 6, but this game really is begging for some foot worship style content and a number of other meaner ways to tease tessa. Really my dream is to have something along the lines of your legendary hardcore tickling work.