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"Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered" REACTION - Buffy 2x16 Commentary (Early Access YouTube)



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Five things: 1) this episode was written by a woman, and although Joss often added / changed elements in scripts, I don't think you can hold him (the bad man) responsible for the entire plot. 2) Xander has grown up with a horrible home life and no models for what makes a good relationship. 3) The love spell idea is icky, but Xander does say that he wants Cordy to fall in love with him, not for the purpose of taking advantage or to try to continue their relationship, but so that he can reject HER and make her hurt the way he's hurting. 4) Do you guys actually remember high school? These are still kids, at the mercy of raging hormones, and still-developing brains. AND all the women are under the influence of the spell. 5) It might be good to relax and just enjoy a lighter episode while you can.


Was this targeted towards me? I mention a lot of this stuff and it seems at first glance sort of aggressive. I feel like the comments on this seem relatively gentle criticisms or just personal preference, and I think most people appreciate the things you say while holding the opinions they do. I appreciate tone sometimes comes across differently over text so I'm happy to hold my hands up and be wrong at the way I read this, but it does seem to me you're the one that isn't relaxed and I owe it to people here to keep this space cordial.