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Better Call Saul "Wiedersehen" 4x9 - Commentary (Early Access)



Wow, what a great analysis! I liked your breakdown of Jimmy's ideal as a lawyer caring more about the client. Which is an interesting contrast to Chuck. It's also as interesting contrast with Kim ideal is true justice in her pro bono work. Which is cool, slowly revealing Kim's true character... because it's so easy to assuming she's like Chuck... and at least emulates him to get ahead early in her career. I think you communicated what's so tragic about Jimmy, and against the Chuck advocates who argue that he was always destined to be Saul. Jimmy was never as lawful as Chuck, but he was often trying to do the right thing... and the show lets us imagine a middle path where Jimmy is practicing elder law and doing good things for the world. I think this is something that Kim and Jimmy share, and is a facet to their attraction. They want to help the underdog and do what's right in a universal sense, not necessarily a legal sense. And at her best, she helps pull this aspect out of Jimmy.


Im gonna get a pizza ready and watch this now B-) Ty Tyler as always