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Take a look at the four(plus) covers I made for Action Lab: Danger Zone and their Kickstarter campaign:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1817736211/amalgama-the-danger-doll-universe-gets-even-bigger




really nice work!


$200 for 8 comic books. hmm


yeah, a little too expensive for me. I think Elias' books are the best of the bunch, though!


Now - these are all great again - thanks for this - the Picture and Posting !! Really nice Characters ! - In this Case (- and this is quite rare in truth !) - I can also tell you - which Picture + Character - is the first and best and which comes last.: - Stated from above.: 1st - Best Picture + Character the First from above in my Opinion. 2nd Best - Is the Third from above - 3rd Best is No. 2 from above and the one I personally like the lowest - mainly only because of the Character - is No. 4 from above ! - But no wonder I do also not like Evil Ernie - although he is basically a very interesting Demon Character.


PS.: Elias - also by this Post - Elias we see how busy you are in total - because each Picture takes a few hours to make in total - especially also with the Colouring - you do by yourself and the Colouring beside the always great Line Art Drawing is very good in my Opinion - also the Background is very nice and all Pictures have your typical good Style and Flair ! Basically this is as great as John Romita Sr. - all in all and from a special Viewpoint - some sort of a Reflection of the best in Life or how it could be Bright and Colorful and filled with Fantasy. In Case we loose the Light, the Colors and the Fantasy - Life would be worth not much anymore !