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Happy New Year y'alls!  

Unfortunately, 2024 has to start with an announcement of an extension on my current break on writing.

I return to my full-time job tomorrow and it's likely going to be supremely stressful. 

As such, I can't make the deadlines for the new scheduled releases on both ND and TAS, so I will have to extend the break, in order for me not to kill myself trying to juggle the stress of work + 4 chapters a week. 

Once this first week is over, I'm fairly certain things will calm down again and I can return to the usual schedules. 

I will be extending my current break until January 9th for TAS (or 8th for ND). 


For the ND Patreons specifically

Your promised 5 advance chapters will start dropping throughout the week, whenever I find some time to write them. I apologise for not being able to drop them all today as originally promised, but you should still have basically all of them by the end of this current week.

Thank you for your support and patience!


Thank you for your support on my two Novels so far, it's been absolutely mind-blowing to see so many of you enjoy my little writing projects.


May your 2024 start off better than mine, with a lot of health, delicious food and hopefully no stress!



Sappy new year all the best and can’t wait.


The only thing I’m upset about is that it’s taken this long for you to start giving yourself breaks!!