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This is a SUPER long TF story that I was commissioned to write, it is over 2000 words long, and features characters from the anime Steins;Gate, I was not provided with an image to base this off so it will be entirely textual.

(Also be sure to check out the poll I released earlier today)

Part 1:
The city of Tokyo is vast and spreads as widely that it can be seen from space, thankfully one does not need to travel to either side of the city often, and even so, taxis or trains are always there to get you to where you need to go, but there are those that still wish for more than that. Kurisu Makise is one of these people, travelling from the Ota ward to pick up a special part that she needed for an invention idea that she had been rattling in her head for some time, but once she got off the train near the building that she had been living in, she lets out a sigh of annoyance having to walk the rest of the way, and her feet were already so tired. Arriving at the building, she saw that the usual elevator was out of order, which made her groan even more, at first she wished that she could have someone carry her up the stairs, Kurisu was only a professional genius, not some kind of athlete, but facing the facts she would begin her climb, but as she did, she began to think about ways to make her commute even easier. At first thinking about installing her own personal elevator, then maybe a slide, or even rerouting the train directly to one of the windows before coming to the realization that these would never happen in a place like Tokyo, but that there was something that she could change. 

Finally arriving at the lab, Kurisu grabbed a chair and got to work, while she was walking up those stairs she realized that her ideas to make transport come to her were foolish, but that perhaps she could make the commute itself less exhausting, then she wouldn't mind doing it as much. Connecting the part she had just picked up from Ota ward and a few other spare parts lying around the lab to create a Fluffy-Beam cannon, a handheld device which looks like a funky torch, but when activated sends out a beam which makes clothes react and become comfier to wear. She would point them at a pair of green slippers, and it seemed to work like a charm. Kurisu slipped her feet into the slipper and felt as thought she was walking on clouds, it was perfect, to confirm that it was not some kind of fluke, she would use the device again. This time Kurisu would shoot the beam at an old white bathrobe that was hanging up, so old and dirty that is basically blended in with the gray walls, and again the material looked to be stimulated and rejuvenated, so much so that she watched as the dirt that was clinging to the bathroom fell to the floor, in part cleaning the robe too, returning it to its original pure white look. Wearing this too was like being wrapped up in a dream, this was not just returning an article of clothing to its original state of combines, it was making it even more so than when it was brand new, what a great idea all this was. 

Kurisu knew that what she had made was worth the parts, but returning her thoughts back to the original project, she remembered that she just used the part she had left to get in the first place, if she wanted to get another one of those special parts, she would need to leave now. Kicking the slippers off and hanging the bathrobe back up, she would begin to slide her feet into the worn shoes, before realizing what she was doing, stopping herself to be sure to shoot the shoes first, not wanting another uncomfortable train ride again. Once she had made her shoes super comfy, she would put the device down on a table and rush out the door, she wanted to be able to work on the first device later on, so it would really ruin her plans if she were to not have that part she needed. 

Once Kurisu managed to get on a train, the lab would be visited by two of its members, the two being Suzuha and Mayuri, who were looking for their friend Okabe, but seemed to find themselves in the middle of Kuriru's impromptu comfy tests. Mayuri found the slippers that were carefully kicked next to her workspace, and Suzuha would find the bathrobe that had always been here in the lab, but that nobody seemed to notice, the two would independently slip on the clothes that they had found and begin to feel extreme levels of comfort wash over them. The girl's would let out sighs of relief, Suzuha would close her eyes and tilt her head back as she hugged this super comfy bathrobe, something that she rarely felt throughout her life, and never at the degree that this singular bathrobe was giving her. While this happened, Mayuri would wiggle her toes as she too closed her eyes, feeling as though she was standing on a marshmallow sheep, rubbing her toes through the soft material and giggling at an almost ticklish feeling that was coming over her soles. 

While the two girls were admiring their new-found favorite garments, they would not see that the device that made off of this happen was sparking at its tip, something had come loose when Kuriru put it down, an oversight to be sure, but a one that was about to wreak havoc for her friends. The device would unleash a beam that struck the two, they were snatched away from their moments of paradise and brought to feel these strange sensations roll over their bodies, as they began to compress onto themselves, and shrink into the clothes that they had just picked up. Suzuha had become the white bathrobe and Mayuri turned into a green slipper, their consciousnesses still aware and active as they possessed no control over their bodies, with nothing to do but wait for help from one of their friends, help that may not even know what had happened to them...

Part 2:
Managing to catch the last train back to Akihabara from Ota ward, Kurisu was beat, even with her newly invented device to make anything that it shoots become irresistibly comfy, she noticed that she was also feeling hot and sweaty from all of the running around, but she better not get any other ideas about making her commute more pleasant, for she may be out of the special part, again. Back at Future Gadget lab, Mayuri and Suzuha have found themselves running afoul with Kurisu's brand-new unnamed device, the one that makes clothing super comfy, but also seems to force a human hit by its beam to merge and join with an article of clothing within proximity, which just happened to be the super comfy clothes that the two were trying out. Suzuha ended up joining with a white bathrobe, whereas Mayuri joined withed a green slipper, the two girls unable to do anything as they had no control over their forms, now relying on whoever's stupid prototype this was to turn them back to normal. 

Returning to the lab part in hand, for the second time today, Kurisu just wanted to curl up on a couch and listen to some Mortzart while she tinkers away on her long-standing project, but first, she needed to get comfy. Flicking on a kettle, she would throw the ingredients for a coffee into a mug, and with some time left to wait, she would slide her tired feet out of her normal shoes and into the slippers, not knowing that they now housed Mayuri. She pushed her tight-clad feet into the green slippers without thinking, feeling the soft and comfy sensation wash over her again. But Mayuri would not take this willingly, the feeling of having someone push their sweaty feet on you was awful, it felt as though she were stepping on Mayuri's neck, cutting off all breathable air and replacing it with a deeply pungent aroma of feet, all the while she rubbed her toes into Mayuri's new taste buds, the fibers within the slippers. Deeply disgusted by this, Mayuri tried to call for help, but all it would serve was to vibrate the fibers a little, but enough to tickle Kurisu, who giggled as she began to walk around the lab, shifting her weight on and off Mayuri's new body while she looked for the bathrobe. 

Kurisu would find the bathrobe that was Suzuha fallen loosely on the arm of the couch, which was certainly puzzling, as she was sure that she had left it hanging up, and come to think of it, she did kick the slippers wildly in her dash to leave, but found them cleanly beneath the room's table. The only explanation was that someone had come to the lab while she was out, and as Suzuha and Mayuri held their breath's about her putting two-and-two together, she would shrug off the idea, knowing it would have been someone like Okabe or Luka wandering in, cleaning up, and leaving once they had done what they needed to do. The girls let out sighs of despair as they knew that they may very well be doomed, Kurisu called out in case anyone was still here, but there was no reply, and so since there was nobody around, her eyes locked back to the bathrobe with an idea in mind. Suzuha could only lay and watch as Kurisu began to take off her clothes, throwing her jacket, necktie, shirt, and shorts aside as she stood wearing just her bra, panties, slippers, and black tights, before grabbing the bathrobe and slipping into it, before falling utterly under the sensation of its fluffy and comfy material, even though it only reached down to the top of her thighs. Kurisu fell onto the couch with a small smile on her face, the mix of this luxurious comfy bathrobe and soft but ticklish slippers was paradise on Earth, she could just crawl up and let the world roll by without her, she was happy just as she was in this instant. 

But there was something that Kurisu had forgotten, the kettle that she was using to boil water for the coffee, the cherry on the cake, she would get up from the couch to fetch her hot drink, but as she walked the more and more that the sentient clothes seemed to react. The area around the coffee was hot and moist, and it seemed to react with the clothes in such a way that it was reverting the girls and the clothing to normal, the comfy sensation began to fade, and in its place Kurisu would feel warm skin. A pulse could be felt from the clothing which seemed to signify where the girls were coming out of, for the bathrobe the weight of Suzuha's arms could be felt as they emerged out of the white material like wings, and the slippers it would feel as though Kurisu was standing inside someone's mouth, with teeth lining the slipper's opening and a tongue wiggled under her foot's sole. Kurisu would let out a loud shriek of fear as she desperately kicked the slippers towards the door and threw the bathrobe off of her as fast as she could, this daydream quickly becoming a nightmare as she watched her friends have to reform themselves out of the small clothing. It was almost vomit inducing, but luckily it was over sooner rather than later, Mayuri and Suzuha were just happy to be back in their own skin and not stuck as an article of clothing for the rest of their natural lives. They explained what had happened to Kurisu and the three could only hypothesize what had happened, that the new device had shorted out and zapped the two girls but inspecting the thing would reveal that it must have released all of its energy, and so perhaps it would be best left uncharged, for who knows what may happen if it were to be used again...


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