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i'm thinking about to open one , but i'm not a best person to manage it :/

i will let you guys know if i opens it 



Would be neat but dont force yourself if you dont want to


Yeah if you don’t want it don’t do it


i can't say i'm particularly interested in a discord server, as they always turn into a circlejerk


You could set it up as read only, giving access to 3 channels, one for each Tier. Interaction with emoji reactions could be enough. Ricegnat (another artist I support) set his server up like that, having one channel each for full arts, wip and psd-files. Read only servers would make managing a lot easier since you wouldn't have to moderate any chats.


Only set it up if you feel you have the need for it, read-only with limited permissions is a good start. For instance, if you plan to use it as an alternative place to show public releases of your works, additional reach out for polls, or even the occasional WIP. You could also get volunteers to moderate (people you trust obviously) if you want a place to socialize, the key to a good discord is setting your permissions and rules appropriately.


If you do decide to go through it, be careful with the Patreon bot. It's really annoying and in my experience stopped working when I added any roles to it to manage it.


opening a discord i might know a thing or 2 about being a mod if you need any help feel free to ask me