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*Reads from right to left.*

Today's post features the Thank-You picture for the Squish Drive Walk of Change! Thank you everyone who contributed! I learned so much from working on this and how to improve upon it for future projects! But for now, enjoy having your names on the squishy bits of these beautiful women! Until next time!

You can see more detailed commentary for the main picture, as well as textless and cropped version, here. Please be sure to leave a like, and/or comment below!

As for the other two pages...


Intro pg

Total Drawing Time: Apprx 17 HRs 45 MINs

Realistically, I shouldn’t have drawn this. The actual Thank-You picture is one thing, but this page took even longer to complete! However, I care more about the storytelling aspects of my works and for them to flow nicely, so this page works as a great lead-in to the main picture. And as for why both Raidens are suddenly embarrassed, if you go back, both girls were under the influence of the Purple light for all four transformations. In other words, they were erotically drunk the entire time, lol!

Extra pg

Total Drawing Time: Apprx 2 HRs 55 MINs

Technically, this should’ve come in between the intro and main picture, but my patience had given out at this point, not to mention it would’ve been weird to add a greyscale page between two colored ones, not to mention this was supposed to be a comedic extra page. I don’t know, I just liked the fact that Tygra, whose role is essentially a prankster, is served some karmic justice, even though that’s kind of impossible in this context. 


Hope you've enjoyed them all!




Wooooo! That was one hell of a wild ride. Thanks for all the hard work.


I never thought in my life I’d see my name tattooed one a girl's breast, that's crazy !