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Whew! Finally done! Today's post is a growth sequence for OathtoOblivion's OC, Summer! I have to wonder: what did she think "TFTea" meant, exactly? Pretty sure the label was a dead giveaway as to what would happen. If not that, then especially the OxRock logo. Then again, I suppose OxRock isn't quite notorious enough for people to recognize on sight. How unfortunately fortunate.

A huge thanks to OathtoOblivion for commissioning this. You can see more detailed commentary on each page, as well as textless and alt version, via the link below. Please be sure to leave a like, and/or comment below!

TFTea pg 1

TFTea pg 2

TFTea pg 3

TFTea pg 4




None of these can be saved or exported, at least on my end. Was this intentional?


Yes. You have to click "Save As" on each picture individually. The reason I do this is because Dropbox does this thing where, if someone "Joins" a folder via a link, it locks everyone else out from the Monthly folder. Sorry. ^^;