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James: The beast is slain! At long last I give you, The Switch!

Mistress Cereza: So, the sequel to The Spark is even longer than the original?

James: Yup. This one clocked in at 38 pages. Just shy of 18,000 words.

Mistress Cereza: Wow. That's two full length stories together, for real this time. I look forward to reading it, but it'll have to wait for the weekend. No way I'm tackling that after a busy Friday.

James: I completely understand. The scope of this story kept growing as I wrote it and got a bit out of control, but I did get to try some fun new concepts with it. Hopefully, the extra time was worth it.

Mistress Cereza: I'm sure it was, my talented slut.

James: Enjoy, folks! We'll be back with an update, where I'll outline a much more normal release schedule for the immediate future.

Mistress Cereza: Ta ta for now.


the Norwegian one

Do you have a link to "the spark"'s page?


Good call. Here you go: https://www.patreon.com/posts/spark-73044766 I'll make a "One Shots" category in the Collections tab for stories like this over the weekend. Probably should've done that a while ago.