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I've had a lot of issues with the male police detective's character. This is the fourth time I've done those panels with him in it. Initially, he was created to look a lot like Kevin Owens (Steen), but the prospect of smut stuff with the character-- and an interaction I had with a comedian that I based a character's look off of for ZR, made me decide to change things.

I tried a vastly different look for the character, but it didn't jive with me... which lead me to the previous attempt which this look heavily borrows from, but he was still human.

Making him now an orcish character shows their place in the society earlier. He's probably half-orcish. His mother would be an orc most likely due to several factors. But him being half-orcish, allows for him to not be closer to seven feet tall and lets me still have true orcs be another step away from humans.



Sean Jenkins

Zug looks lovable.