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Until Patreon implements their upfront payment structure, coming soon, only the current month's weekly bonus strips are available to new patrons in the creator posts panel.

When your payment clears, sometime in the first week of the month, you should get a message that I send out in bulk that includes a link to all of the NSFW bonus content that has gone up on Patreon.

If for some reason you haven't gotten your monthly message, like Patreon was slow at processing your payment, feel free to message me and I'll double check to see if you were processed and resend you a link. 

Also if you can't wait to get your link you can message me and we can set up a one time payment via PayPal and I'll pop you a link after that.






Hey there. Pretty sure my patreon is good to go, but I haven't gotten a NSFW link. Can you resend me one? Thanks.


They haven't been sent out because people have been very slow at fixing their declined pledges. It's a hassle for me to send them out once and then track who hasn't gotten them afterward. I'm prodding people to get their payment sources in line... Sorry.