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I'm sorry that posts haven't been going up as early as promised, but I've been sort of burnt out, it's an issue where I know where the plot needs to go but I'm failing to be funny or have situations where it's clever/important enough to draw the scene.

I'm attempting to finish Tuesday's comic, but it's not really there yet so I'm struggling.



If it's just the story line that's the issue, why not cut away to some other characters and what's going on with them? Gives you a break from this line and to focus on something else. If it's general burnout, toss up a splash page saying you are taking an X week hiatus, and just give yourself a break. That's a lot better than pushing yourself further into the burnout and starting to resent the work.


John, just relax, take your time, and if the story goes a different direction, go with it. The humor will come when it comes.