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Trying to find something that speaks to me for her as I want her to be someone I really enjoy drawing.

Right now, the front is in the correct direction... the ponytail is 50-50. I think I want to figure out something else for that section, but the undercut with long hair is a mood.

I'm slowly getting the new computer up and running. I haven't lost any data, since the old hard drives weren't affected and I've been able to use a docking bay to transfer things and I got a UPS and a new 8TB drive coming for storage.




I'm going to put it simply; she has beautiful, sad eyes... The kind of eyes that have SEEN things, we wouldn't understand or believe...


Adding more beads in her hair might work, or having about half of her hair loose with one big braid in back? Something that makes them culturally distinct. Bones and such would be right out, as they are modern era, and a bit more sophisticated. I imagine long hair for both makes and females would be a thing, and for males, facial hair might be a thing, but I'm thinking moustache, goatee and moustache, or mustache with mutton chops, would be more their style. I suppose that more feral orcs would have shaggy beards, but I suspect that your orcs are more than a tad more intelligent than your average D&D orcs... (Would not be surprised to see them in the military, with many of them high ranking officers...)