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We here at HWIDG would like to apologize for this week's Advertisement. It was wrong of us to run a promotion for such a limited time, therefore we are extending the Boner Concealment Promotion until the end of this sentence. Ha got eem!

- Not Paying Your Bills
- People With One-Note Personalities
- Victim Points
- Chinese Superman

You forget a payment to a company and suddenly the world has gone up in flames for them. Late fees, threats of legal action, repossession, eviction, no matter what the issue is. But when they owe you money? Suddenly they're strapped for cash, or their accountant is out of town, or they had a data breach so it's going to take 2 months. Literally any reason not to pay you what you're owed. Did you know that the amount of money from wage theft per year in the US is more than all other types of theft combined? You know, the kind they throw other people into prison for, no questions asked?

Hello, I'm a 32 year old Texas man from Texas City, Texas. I'm 5 foot-Texas and weigh two hundred and Texas pounds. I work at Texas-Mart where we sell Texas-themed items and accessories. My favorite football team is all of the ones from Texas, and I can bench press about 2 whole Texans. My hobbies are being from Texas, telling people I'm from Texas, telling people ABOUT Texas, and making sweet, sweet Texan love at night to my body pillow with a specially commissioned pin-up of an anthropomorphized Texas.

We have Captain America, the brits have Captain Britain, Canada has Alpha Flight, Japan has Ultraman, the point is that superheroes that represent their countries are popular. Every now and then you see a country try to invent some Uncle Sam-type knock off to try and sell propaganda to the kids. And there's always some secret Captain Italy for Steve Rogers to fight, or Indian Spider-Man to pop-up in the Spider-Verse. So when I picked up the Chinese Superman that DC tried to do a few years ago, I should have known it was a cheap cash grab for the "international market". I mean, if Amazon has taught me anything, I should have known that a comic book about a Chinese Superman was just a copy of every other comic book, but with a Chinese name slapped on to it.



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