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You have been called together today because you are the best in your respective fields. It will take the greatest strategic and scientific minds we have to face this problem. What is this foe we face? The sun. For too long us humans have had to deal with invasive rays of light waking us up far too early. Or blinding brightness while we drive. Sometimes the temperature even gets mildly uncomfortable. We cannot stand for this! So, after attempted peace talks went nowhere last month, I have created this Anti-Solar unit to fight the big bastard that makes you want a cold glass of lemonade after working in your yard all day. The reason the bikini was invented! Hold on.... where are you going?! Get back here! Well, I guess I gotta do this alone. Hoorah!

- Messing with Time
- Unwarranted Nicknames
- Not Seeing Propaganda
- Right Click Victims

Time is a very fickle mistress. There's a reason all time travel stories end up having a "oh no I messed with time too much and I'm in the nightmare future" part of their stories. All of them. It's more than a trope, it's a fact of life. You don't mess with time. Yet here we are. Twice a year. Poking the sleeping bear. And for what? Farmers? Please. I know farmers. If farmers wanted more time to work the fields, they'd be there. Not lobbying congress to play with clocks. One of these days, I tell you. You're going to wake up in the nightmare future where Arnold was in Rocky and Stallone was The Terminator. That doesn't sound too bad, but you're forgetting the part where in this universe, Zelda is a girl.

Nicknames are granted to you. No one makes up their own nickname, that never works. They come from inside jokes with friends or sometimes from necessity due to a common name, but usually they take time. When you start tacking "-y Boy" and "-o" to the end of names of people you just met, it looks foolish. Insubordinate and churlish. I understand that some people are bad with names or deal with so many people it's hard to keep track of, but at that point I'd rather just be called dude, or guy, or "hey you there".

What's it going to take for people to open their eyes to the real world around them? They've got to get mad. Mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore. That's what it takes to break through the barrier of propaganda. No one will do anything until it personally affects them. Otherwise it's smooth sailing, drinking that government-supplied truth juice every morning and night. "There's no way the people that are supposed to protect me are also harming me." The answer's in that statement. Get harmed.

Look, we all know NFTs are dumb. Well, all of us except the weirdoes into them and that's the problem. You can be into something and understand it's a dumb thing to be into. Or at least a waste of money. But these jackasses have done a 180 and are now whining that people can right click-> save as their JPEGs. Even threatening legal action! Either because they don't understand what NFTs even are, or because it's a last ditch effort to pretend that their not wasting their money on receipts of JPEGs. If there's a new kind of victim there might just be someone that wants to save them, and *that* is a dangerous thought.

All this and more on this week's episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT.



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