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To make up for the yearly missed minisode, Tab brought a heaping helping of mini issues this month. Tim could only muster up 2, I don't know why since he had November and December off, he should have had 6 mini issues, but I guess he just doesn't care about the fans, something he does care about though...

No Pop Filter Podcasts
A Lack of Volume Normalization
Minivan Emasculation
Slick Sheets
Deli Meat Smell on Your Fingers
Giving You Work as Gift

Put a fucking pop filter on your microphone if you do a podcast. Then roll of the lows so my car doesn't explode.

Why is it we still have to deal with unbalanced commercials or one song being 5 times the previous or following songs volume? How has that not been fixed? We can send millions to pakistan for gender studies but we can't put a compression knob on anything? This is bogus.

I become that which I hate most.

Either my sheets are messed up, or gremlins sneak into my house while I sleep and fuck with my blankets and sheets for laughs.

Tim has some kind of weird OCD.

I got a gift, but it has turned into hours of work so far, and there is no end in sight.

All that and more on this Month's extra beefy Minisode. Thanks for supporting the show, we've got a lot more coming this year including a WandaVision commentary series. Check it out!



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