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Welcome back fans as we try to get closer to a regular release schedule again. Here is the first Bonus Episode of 2021, and we're talking about.

Normalizing Breakfast
Nintendo Switch
Having a Studio
Celebrity Look Alikes

Food is weird we have specific foods we reserve for specific times of day, breakfast menus, lunch menus, dinner menus. Throw off the shackles of food repression and eat Breakfast Foods any time of day, there are dozens of us, DOZENS!

I was skeptical when the switch came out, Nintendo had a string of really shitty consoles, the N64, Gamecube, Wii, and the Wii U all sucked. Especially compared to the competition. The switch is a pleasant surprise though, it's not trying to be the next Gen leader, it's trying to make gaming easy and accessible and I think it's great.

Having a studio makes life worth living. Everyone I know wants a studio and for a good reason. Studios are awesome, you can go do work in a special place designated for work, but it's yours so you don't have to pay for it.

Celebrity look alikes are fun, everyone has a celebrity people say they look like. People call me fat Val Kilmer. Sound alikes are also fun. Can the world go back to having fun? Probably not.

Well that's it for this Month's Bonus Episode. Thank you for supporting the show especially in this time of transition, we'll be back next month with even more do gets.



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