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On this historic day, HWIDG goes where no formerly international podcast has gone before. That's right, HWIDG has teamed up with KFC, and with their help, today we are launching the first manned-spaceflight podcast recording session! Tab and Tim will climb aboard the majestic ship The Colonel which has been under construction for the last 5 years and has gone through thousands of hours of testing, and record the very first podcast from space! A quick reminder that today's shuttle launch is brought to you by none other than the world-famous KFC, try a new $30 Fill-Up Meal, perfect for a family of 4 plus leftovers, or a fat slob like you, you pig. Well, we're T-minus 30 minutes now and they're about to equip the Original Recipe© fuel tanks...hold on I'm getting some news... it appears that due to some light sprinkling of rain the launch has been postponed indefinitely, so back to your originally scheduled programming:

* Opening the Floodgates
* Working Under the Gallows
* Showrunners
* Dramacasts

If you let one vocal minority have their way and make a grand gesture of it, you open the floodgates for every other nut case to try and get their 15 minutes of fame. First we get the SnyderCut. Then the AyerCut of Suicide Squad, then the FiegCut of Ghostbusters, then the colorist's cut of Batman Begins, then the second assistant editor's cut of Saving Private Ryan, then Liam Neeson's driver's cut of Schindler's List, and before you know it, we'll have the cat of the great-granddaughter of the caterer's cut of BioDome!

How do you expect workers to care about work when they know their time is up? It's almost cruel to take someone in a retail job who has been there long enough to maybe start to like their little store, then tell them they're fired in 2 months, and also you have to help tear the place down. How can anyone feel good about going to work with a literal axe hanging over their head the whole time? Especially when there's a few of privilege that aren't losing their jobs. Just go ahead and put me in an orange jumpsuit with a ball-and-chain and make me build my own guillotine.

Showrunners! Sounds like they've got a lot of work to do. But really, they're an idea man/publicist. It's the job taken by someone that isn't good enough to be a director, but also isn't good enough to be the head writer, but has still somehow wriggled their way into importance, so the studio has to let them do something. It's like when there's a rich kid on a boat and he wants to drive it, so the captain plays nice and gives him his own little captain's hat and sets the boat to auto-pilot and lets the kid play with the steering wheel. If that kid's an asshole and if the captain isn't watching, he can really mess that boat ride up for everyone.

Who likes drama? No, not a gripping movie full of choices and consequences, but, like, petty drama. Gossip. Tabloid-esque news. I'll tell you who likes it, boring people. People that don't have hobbies, or friends, or a relationship, or a job. People who are missing some big part of life and haven't filled it with anything of substance. So they trick themselves into thinking that this drama between The Housewives of Orange County or between Twitch streamers XxVapeNinjaxX and ProJoe means something. And you'd think that there's one or two crazy people like that, but no. There's thousands. Millions even. It's terrifying.

All this and more on this week’s episode! Don't forget to join us  on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON, NEWPROJECT2 or by BUYING A SHIRT!



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