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Welcome back supporters who are just happy to give generous gifts to the show in exchange for nothing, but sometimes bonus content. This month we're talking about these intense pleasures.

Good Screen Names
Engine Demos
The Best Revenge

Back in the days before the internet was made accessible to women user names used to be  a utopia of vaguely racist, or sexual puns. No more though, now it's all TBirt or THBreaker or TSeidelSnores with some numbers or something following. Except in one last bastion of the free market. Call of Duty. Yes there you can be Black People, Gamer, GrandpasBung, or one of a dozen other funny names that seem to have been lost to the internet. Get it while you can before diversity quotas mandate a deerkin on every moderation team.

Tulsa is a city with a population of about 400,000 people and around a million in the greater Tulsa Area. It's size is 201 square miles, and it sits along the Arkansas River. It is also my hometown, and I still really love it. I've been all over and Tulsa isn't like any other city. Then again no city is really comparable to any other. But it's great, the cost of living is very low, the commute times aren't killer, and I'm sure in the next 5 years we'll get an In-n-out Burger so the Californians can shut the fuck up.

When a company releases a new platform you need a trailer, and while apple does the gayest most uninteresting ads devoid of information, video game engines do it with style. The Unreal 5 demo is out now, and coming in 5 years to a video game near you will be some really cool shit that Tim cares about and I don't.

Finally the Best Revenge, man it feels great to see all the people who tried to tear you down fail and flounder in your past. I can speak for the former hosts of this show when I say their lives have been nothing but wins while the haters just keep drawing Ls over and over.

Thanks for supporting the show, glad we can record this episode as a throw away that you won't even listen to.



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