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 Looks like we made it folks. The Series Finale of Gene Luck Pickard and this episode takes a huge dump on all common sense. Magic Doctor Who fixit devices. Stupid robot Golems. A a character of such little self esteem she is easily convinced to destroy the universe and just as quickly convinced to stop. Thank god it's over. Here's a final set of Numbers for the series. Our big winner was Tim who won 875 Quatloos from our bets. I won 750, including our bet on the series total. 423. Coming soon will be our postmortem on Pickard, a comprehensive review of the whole series.

Check out the video https://youtu.be/XgrBC-RgQVY

By the Numbers
Funny Eyes 0/38
Directly Contradicting Canon 5/81
Cool Sci-Fi Bro 6/148
Cameos and Callbacks 6/84
Called It 12/52
Old Man Deaths 4/20
Total 33/423

I hope everyone that worked on this show gets the China Flu and doesn't recover. 



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