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We’re wrapping Halloween up in style with a spoooooooky (not really), zany (not really), meta (ehhhhhhhhh), take on the ‘teenagers go camping’ trope, that’s right we’re watching The Cabin in the Woods! The movie doesn’t make any sense if you think about it, so fire up that bong and get to smoking, Joe, and if you’re lucky, you’ll smoke so much that you’ll cleanse your body of any toxins that shadow agencies have tried to poison you with. Don’t worry, the conspiracy is real, but the monsters aren’t. Don’t forget your ‘Joss Whedon co-wrote and co-directed this Lady Feet Shot’ counter, your ‘Jesus, How Long Does It Take For Someone to Get Killed’ counter and your ‘How Did They Survive That?’ counter.  Don’t forget to vote for next month’s movie in the December Movie Battle Royale, and as always thanks to you, our wonderful patrons. 



Mr. Hamilton Burger

"Used Cars" is a very not-stupid movie. Democracy's a bitch.

Craig W

It sure was nice of Tim's Uncle to leave him his audio equipment before his untimely passing. Three cheers for Brimly Handlebreaker the 3rd! This month Tab and Tim watch Cabin in the Woods! It's a double whammy of deconstructing a genre and its tropes while simultaneously becoming outdated trope-fodder itself. Even the movie's fedora is dusty at this point. Why should you care? You'll find out if this movie can withstand Tab's fury or be burned in the fires of his hatred like so many before it. You'll be fascinated at just how long Tim can stay positive in the face of such rage. You'll ponder if Chris Thorsworth can ever get past his role as the God of Thunder. Spoilers: no he can't. Suck it Thorbusters. You'll be delighted to know Tab finally gets context for THAT elevator seen. You know the one. We all do. All this and so much more. So read those Latin incantations out loud, split up to cover more ground and fill up on gas. We're off to a trip to the Cabin in the Woods!