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Happy 2022! Another successful orbit!

New year, new chapter!


Alexander Dupree

Thanks mate I'm really glad you're back

Duncan Sproule

Good chapter Last line reads "Gus felt his bowels turn to water as sozens of heads turned to him as one." I assume you mean dozens


Woo, great chapter. Fun to finally see Rain let loose at silver.


Great chapter. I enjoyed it.


#bug_report sozens --> dozens


Nice to get some perspective on rain. Poor gus


Thx for chapter


Now that is a satisfying chapter to get back into the story. I was thinking the newly acquired negative version of Velocity alone could wreck Thrast. And wow does it work wonders. Bit of a double whammy considering he's simultaneously buffing his own speed while debuffing his opponent's. Three rings currently, with five planned? "Slightly" greater boost than the old one per ring, with each only taking one slot instead. So each ring should be able to boost around 300+ stats each, meaning Rain currently has 900+ stats to play with via equipment, with 1500+ stats from equipment when the last two are finished. Nothing to sneeze at. Especially assuming most awakened like Thrast have little to not stat equipment in comparison. Rain also mentions that these new rings are different because of modifications he requested. I have no idea what those could be. What could you change about the malleable rings to make them better? Given he says there isn't anything to see on his hand because of Facade, was that altered so they look like part of the armor now instead? Cessa being observant, shocked, and then disappearing is definitely interesting. Is she off to report to the Barge King, the Empire, or just leaving to later chat with Rain? No idea!


Damn equipment really is night and day.


Rain's really going to prove balanced parties and organizations that help each other will leave everyone in the dust.

Conor McGroarty

Wonder if Thrast will join Ascension? At least some people here are going to do so (maybe some tag along refugees may think it’s okay here, but probably not many since there is a war going on and Rain is providing transportation). I wonder if Val offended someone with his peeping behavior (like the barge king?)? Or perhaps Velika was offended at seeing the “captured princess in the tower” (she put him in that tower as punishment for lair-crashing the party) again and wanted to bully him? Also possible Val ran into someone from the Empire somehow. Regardless it is at least 1 awakened or more. Well Gus has no shortage of information to tell about Rain if he wants. “The hero of Fel Sadanis” who registered with the guild at bronze a few months back and worked their way up from there. He should at least give basics like how he registered recently there and went to Vestval (Vestvall?) after the barrier was solved. Will Gus join Ascension too? Rain and friends certainly have many things to catch up on like how the Warden is reacting to the “razing of Fel Sadanis.” Fecht moving personally against the Watch broke whatever Cold War thing he and Warden Vatreece had going on, so her at least being tempted to act should be natural.


I think the implication is that cessa left because she understood how the barrier was holding up


I would 100% say Gus wants to join Ascension, or will want to very soon. In his interior monologue last chapter, he was shunned and couldn't get a job in the DKE, and he hated it out here in Three Cliffs. Only issue is getting out of his current contract I guess. He is also a decent enough person to warrant getting into Ascension, so I see him being a new addition by the time they leave There Cliffs

Zachary Epic

What chapter explained the damage cap again, it's been so long since I've had a refresher on it


Last line sozens to dozens


Thanks for the chapter and welcome back


I don't remember the exact chapters it's been explained. But there's a few takeaways. We know the damage limit in areas 0-9 is 9.9k. We also know areas ranked 10-19 have a damage limit of 99k, and areas ranked 20-29 have a damage limit of 999k. We don't know for sure, but it's a reasonable assumption with the pattern, that the damage limit increases by tossing on a 9 for each new 10 ranks. Meaning areas ranked 30-39 should have a damage limit of 9.9 million, and so on. We know the damage limit can be broken but it's very, very hard. Lightbreaker is the only goldplate we know of that can manage it, while the Warden and Fecht are both able to do so with their platinumplate level of power. Currently, no known silverplate can break the damage limit of an area. It's a safe assumption they generally can't, barring absurd circumstances. There's also a "resistance cap." Usually you can only block 75%(ish) of the area's damage limit, regardless of if your resistance is higher. So even though Rain's armor has over 10k hardness, it can only block 7.5k damage of strikes in areas ranked 0-9. A tortuga with 20k resistance would have the same problem in areas of that rank, presumedly. But we do know that a consumable charm like a Citizen used to face off against Lightbreaker could block 100% of the area's damage limit. Rain's wards also functionally act the same in that they can account for 100% of damage. So there might be other ways around the resistance cap.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Tomer Yud

Awesome! I wanna see Val more. He used to be one of the main characters. Considering his character, it dosent make sense for him to not be in the spotlight.


Val is a verb now, so technically, his presence in the novel is more prevalent.


Great scene. Only way it could have been better is if Rain started charging the barrier runes in the middle of the fight XD.


Oh man, that fight scene was really well written! Always fun reading of people being confused by Rains powers and antics :D


Great POV-change, made the fight much more entertaining to see it through the eyes of the guilders. Rain and his equipment are OP as fuck, good to see him being able to tangle with lower silverplates. I also liked the peek into Swordplay skills, more katas and Starling Frenzy. The take on dark magic is interesting. We've already learned from the spar in Ascension that it causes loss of feeling and crushing despair, making Rain's Shroud a powerful and dangerous spell. Maybe they should look into creating a Contender of Darkness to mirror Val's Contender of Light.


Now I'm picturing how great it would be if we got the same chapter, but from Cessa's POV in a special update.


I'm kinda curious what that test for silver plate would have been. It has to be some kinda aptitude thing since the duel was focused around blocking/dealing damage without showcasing specific skill tiers. Could we possibly get some details on this if it doesn't compromise any story elements? Hopefully it's not something like a hat that shouts "SILVER PLATE!".


Showing skill tiers wouldn't work. T3 is available at bronze and T4 takes level 29 or higher to unlock. If you reread the Chapter 'Pickup', when Rain berates the adventurer party for being underleveled, one of them thinks Rain can see their levels. Mariah corrects him and says it requires special equipment. Since she's Halgrave's daughter, I'm guessing branch leaders have enchanted equipment that allows them to check someone's level.


The use of "newcomer" to refer to 'rain' right after 'amelia' walked in the door was confusing, as at that point in the fight amelia was the newest person in the room. There are a few ways to fix this, such as referring to rain by a nickname Thrast or another onlooker made up on the spot, or by using a different term like "reluctant challenger" instead of the vague "newcomer".