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well, this took forever to figure out. i just couldnt find out how to add a backdrop to a render in iray. on the forums they where talking about the environment pane and i kept mistaken that for the environment slot in the render settings. pfff, sometimes im so stupid!!!

anyway, so hdri lighting in combination with an image backdrop and two point lights. set up the correct camera angles according to the backdrop. added a matte plane with reflections for the ground.

do any of you know if daz can do projection mapping/ camera mapping?




What I do is I create a big flat plane that I parent to the camera and move at the back. It gives you more control over the background image, compared to the environment backdrop. I put the image both as base and emission color. Of course the downside is that it will block the lighting coming behind it.


yeah, it all depends on the situation and what you are going for. the thing is with how you describe it, is that you cant really use any depth of field. cause if you do, your backdrop will be blurred out. while using this method you can adjust the depth of field and match it up with the backdrop. so thats why i was looking if daz has any projection mapping feature. that way you can project an image on a couple of simple planes and still having all the options available when using a plane backdrop and have depth of field working, its the best of both worlds. sadly though, doesnt seem to be a thing inside daz


Sounds like you are about to do testing and see if you can get Daz to handle this? Or is this conclusion after trying several times? Would not surprise me if the program is capable of doing this, but the creators never thought about trying it or even seeing if this is possible.


oops, missed this comment. but yeah, thats a conclusion. its how i do things in 3ds max. so i was hoping this was also possible to do in daz. but no luck