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Didn't expect that Gauntlette chapter, did ya! Hehe, I scheduled it for the estimated time I'd be getting sliced and diced and got it right on the money.

Anyway, surgery went fine, I have been de-nutted and my pain seems to be receding very quickly. Honestly the whole experience was so so so nice. Everyone in the hospital was lovely, from the nurses being very good about my pronouns and never slipping up once. (Two nurses almost got into an argument because one thought the other had misgendered me lol.)

Currently writing this and I can't feel them down there and I'm starting to realise how much pain I was in for that two years of chronic pain. You know when you've been carrying a heavy backpack for so long you're used to it, but then you drop it and feel like you're going to float away? Imagine that but with pain instead. It's wild. I'm crying a little.

As for my stories, I'm not going to try and stop my brain from writing when it wants to (We all know by now that trying to do that just ends up with 6 chapters of a brand new story), but I'm not going to force myself to work for a little while.

Thank you all again so much, you're all so lovely and amazing and I am just so damned grateful that you support me enough to do this for a living. Mow. <3 Valerie



Wooo! Congrats on the successful surgery! Best wishes and a speedy recovery!


Congrats on getting rid of the devils raddishes!!! Hope for a speedy recovery


So glad your surgery went so well and your experience in the hospital was so comforting! &lt;3


Nascar of recovery, speedy and boring.


The hospital was so gooooood. My anesthesiologist was this tiny indian woman who was so sneaky. She got the IV into my hand without me even noticing! She was so kind and nice. The surgeon was this lovable dork who legit pulled finger guns when I thanked him for being so awesome.


Congrats!! Have a good recovery and take care of yourself! ^_^


Wow, really happy for now and in the future when you can be happy and pain free 💕 best wishes for a swift recovery


That's really really great to hear! So happy for you! Best wishes!


I'm so happy for you! Friendly hospital staff is the best.

Alex White



A TW for medical would be nice &gt;_&lt; Regardless, congrats!


So happy for you!

audrey jo

eeee that's awesome! i'm so glad it went well, enjoy your new freedom ^^

David Peterson

Best wishes for your quick recovery, Valerie!


Happy Happy Joy Joy!


Happy for you! Hope you recover fast (: