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Mod 8 of the Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul collection.

Last updated: Dec 20, Official Release

See Full & Detailed Description here

- MC WOOHOO: IF mcWooHoo Risk setting is not on 0%, INcompatible with mod(ule) 2 and 8. If on 0%, all is fine ;)

- If a surrogate doesn't have the option to send away a child because the birth happened while off lot, try the workaround below:

- DO NOT romance or Play NPC surrogates (you can obviously play your played sim surrogate, just not the NPC auto-generated ones). You will find that I blocked most romance options for them, too. Why? Because their pregnancy system is altered for them to be NPC surrogates and they are not to be played!! You might encounter them in the world without knowing that they are a surrogate, but romance being unavailable with them will be a dead tell :) If you want to play with an auto-generated NPC surrogate, you will have to first make them not be a NPC surrogate anymore, you can't have both. To do so, remove the trait 'Trait_IsNPCSurrogate' from them, through my mod under 'actions' or through any mod that removes traits.


- remove everything from versions anterior to v2.9, including setting files.

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it;

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)

NEED HELP? Check info & links in this post. If they don't answer your question, contact me on Discord, here in comments or messages, or through the contact form on my website.

Find Index of All Mods here.
If you notice anything off please contact me! Happy to help and fix things if they need fixing.



For two sims with low fertility, is it possible to have a baby via IVF? When I tried, I only saw random and chosen donor.


Mod isn't downloading probably, won't allow me to open the folder


Hi, it's a package file, so it doesn't need extracting. You just put it directly in your folder. Hope this helps


Is it possible through this module to get a genetically child in a pair of two men through a surrogate mother or not?


Hi, the mod sticks to realism and therefore, if two Sims who cannot be impregnated but can impregnate use a surrogate, one of them would be considered sperm donor and the surrogate would be considered egg donor. If you change your sim's impregnation abilities then that can be different. Gender itself is completely irrelevant and never looked at, but where the eggs and where the sperms are is what matters basically. Hope this helps!


there are home birth options in panda's mod. i have it and there are. if they aren't there you have an outdated version because they were added last major update

Sheila Lobert

Small no pressure idea: could men periodically donate sperm for a small amount of simoleans? (Extra cool if it lowered their fertility or caused them to reject woohoo for an hour or too, but probably not worth the effort for such a small effect.) And maybe women could do egg donation for much higher payout only if YA and healthy (maybe even requiring certain traits, and this one hopefully impacting fertility temporarily). You've probably considered this before, and if you have reasons for not doing it, no need to explain or even reply. 💕


Hi! quick question - I have two lesbian sims who want to have a baby. Since it's my legacy sim, I want to have the genes pass on - so my thought was to ask my heir's wife's brother to be the sperm donor. The RPO menu doesn't show up when talking to him (for either) - is this because he is in the family tree (BIL) or is there something else preventing this? Both my sims have discussed having a donor and agreed to it. Should I just use the science baby instead (I'd like to have the realism of RPO). Thanks!!


The surrogacy starts from the sim who will be pregnant, so, you would do it from her and not via talking to him - he should pop up in the menu to choose the sim who gives the samples


Thank you! :D I will try that yayy and thanks for the quick response and hard work you put into your amazing mods!

Alyxandria Harrigan

Does Panda’s mod conflict with the surrogacy? Like if my sims is the carrier can I send my sim to the hospital to deliver via natural birth or do I still have to deliver at home?