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Hi all,

Thanks so much to everyone who participated ideas and opinions to the previous poll on wording! Invaluable and interesting feedback. From it I compiled the most recurring ideas into final selections, so:

Let's move on to final text selections for the LGBTQIA+ addOn!


Sorry for the two posts about this, but I believe it's important. 

Once the text is finalized and put in game, it will mean that if I feel I've something to screenshot and show, I'll be able to do so, whereas as of now I can't! So I can't even yet fully explain to you my plans or how it is. So, vote on the text if you want, and except more news soon!




Thanks for making the polls inclusive for all tiers!


Thank you for this poll! Sorry for rambling a lot in the feedback box, lol.


Thank you for making this poll! Also I think you found a good middle ground by going for “multiple genders” for bi :)

Keri Shackelford

Hi! I've done the adoption twice now and in both cases, the game ended up making one of the birth parents a sibling of one of the adoptive parents. In the first case it was the birth mother/adoptive mother and in the second case it was the birth father/adoptive father as siblings. - I saw another poster above that posted a similar thing happening.


Hi, Don't use the 'adopt away a child' features if you are having issues with it., not much else to do at this time. I will review it all again for v3 when I am back from my health break.